
06 August 2013

Sautéed Zucchini & Squash "Noodles"

I finally bought a mandolin(e) a few weeks ago. (I seriously don't know which spelling is correct... I've googled it, but I've seen both used. The package mine came in had the "e" on the end. I also realize it's a musical instrument as well). Anyway, I am obsessed with my mandoline now. You NEED one if you don't have one. I got this one at Bed Bath & Beyond. It's $10 and has a lot of different settings.

So yesterday I used it on squash and zucchini to make "noodles"! I've done this before, but I used my grater to grate the zucchini/squash into "noodles" ... it took a long time but that's all I had. The mandoline makes it SO easy! SO fast! Better too, because they are much more noodle-like than when you use a grater.

I kind of think I could just eat a big bowl of zucchini/squash "noodles" every night...

Fresh from the mandoline... yum!

squash/zucchini - just use how much you want. I think I used 2 medium zucchini and 2 small squash for this.
1/4 c onion (I sliced mine thin)
1 tsp minced garlic
olive oil spray

After you shred your zucchini/squash with the mandoline, put it in a colander and sprinkle with salt. Let sit 10-20 minutes to draw out some water. Squeeze out water. I also put mine between some paper towels to remove some additional water. Spray a large skillet with olive oil and heat over medium high heat. Add garlic and onion and saute about 2-3 minutes. Add squash/zucchini, along with salt/pepper to taste. Saute about 2 more minutes, remove from heat, and enjoy!

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